ぽっしー’s blog



Everyday Everyday

We feel bad because we are grilled on the steel plate

One morning I fought with the man in the shop and escaped to the sea


It was my first time to swim in the bottom of the sea

I felt so good

Anko in my stomach is heavy, but the sea is big

I am excited

Peach coral watched my swim with waving her hands


Everyday Everyday

There are many fun

The lost ship is  my house

Sometimes a shark bullies me, but I run away


I swam all day then I was hungry

My eyes were rolling

If I do not eat shrimps once in a while

I would become soft by salt water

I bit it behind the rocks

It was a tiny fishhook


I tried to eccepe, but I could not.

A man I have never met before was surprised by fishing me


After all I am a Taiyaki

A little burnt Taiyaki

The man swallowed then ate me deliciously


